Monday 5 December 2011

You Need This!

Wow, I literally cannot handle Rihanna. Like I can officially say I am in love with this woman. Every album she releases is completely different to the last , they almost remind me of chapters making up the soundtrack of her life. This album is a necessity to add to your collection, it has a song for every mood whether you're on top of the world or need someone else's words to describe how you feel. She can do no wrong in my eyes. There's even a duet with Jay-Z, these are a match made in heaven as I think we all remember how successful Umbrella was! Rihanna is becoming more and more powerful as her status within the music world grows. She has made herself a name rather than conforming to how pop stars should look and act in society, just look at her outfits:,_LOUD_Tour,_Minneapolis_6_crop.jpg/170px-Rihanna,_LOUD_Tour,_Minneapolis_6_crop.jpg
Until next time,
Much love,

Check out her song Talk That Talk ft. Jay-Z below:

Sunday 4 December 2011

Help The People-Birdy

I think every now and again you get that song that just relates to everything that's been happening in your life lately. Birdy- People Help The People, has been my song. Her voice is so pure and beautiful, it isn't interfered with through remixing or backing tracks, its a simple yet moving song.
Her lyrics have a way of reaching you, of relating to what you are going through... Maybe that's just me, but this song basically describes how I was feeling the last couple of months with moving to Dublin and starting college. That's not the point however, I picked this song to blog about because I felt it should be listened to and enjoyed by people who wouldn't normally listen to Birdy, sometimes it's nice to try something different.

Until next time, 
Much love, 

Monday 28 November 2011

Never Be A Right Time-Professor Green

When I first heard this song by Professor Green, Never Be A Right Time, I was quite disappointed. I was expecting the fast paced, loose tongue sound we're used to hearing from this talented rapper and instead got this slow placed completely unexpected song. It wasn't until I listened to it a few times over that I realised this is actually a touching and moving song. His lyrics are sad, true and emotional. Here we see an artist connecting with his fans and showing them a snippet of his personal life experiences. It shows Professor Green taking a step in a new direction and showing off his undoubted talent in new and fresh ways.

Until next time,
Much love,

aural psynapse-deadmau5

Okay, so I have to admit the whole dance genre in music really wasn't to my taste. My opinion is slowly beginning to change. There's a certain energy, a certain feeling you can get from listening to it. It almost helps you forget about your worries, not that I'm trying to go deep into my  thoughts and emotions right now! Deadmau5, I know is more mainstream dance rather than the unknown and underground songs out there, and yes I am aware of other artists within the dance genre. I have heard and liked alot of Deaudmau5's and other DJ's works. I just really felt this one aural psynapse was worth a listen to... Give me time to explore these new sounds!

Until next time,
Much love,

Sunday 27 November 2011

One That Got Away-Katy Perry

So, usually I'm a big fan of Katy Perry, but her song The One That Got Away just didn't do it for me this time. Although touching and romantic, I felt it fell almost short of making any real impact while listening to it. Usually she is known for her upbeat and fun sound, this is a step in the opposite direction and unfortunately does not work, although I could definitely see her more personal and slow tempo songs becoming more popular. She does manage to pull off the 80 year old woman look though, HA!

Until next time,
Much love,

Gotta Be You-One Direction

So Beautiful!

Sorry, but can these boys do no wrong? They look amazing, especially Harry (wow),  and their lyrics are a tad basic it's hard not to fall in love with both the song and the lads themselves! I have no doubt this is going to be another hit for One Direction as they grow as a group and become better and better. They definitely have that guilty pleasure feel as they are very much mainstream pop... But, where's the harm in that?

Until next time,
Much love,

Monday 7 November 2011

We Found Love-Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris


Everything this woman does is just amazing,, just look at her website!
Rihanna's music has always been impatiently awaited upon by her fans, and well, me! Her newest single 'We Found Love' featuring Calvin Harris did more than satisfy her listeners. The song is a different sound for both Calvin and Rihanna and is unlike any of their previous work. It is a very catchy dance type of sound that sticks in your mind long after hearing it, although it has less strength in vocals and meaning compared to her older tracks. The video, although controversial, is as expected of Rihanna. As her sound changes and grows so does her confidence and artistic ideas. The clothes, the location, and the acting all add perfectly to the song helping to make it into yet another #1 hit in the charts and lets be honest, she looks better than ever! This single adds to the anticipation of the release of her new album Talk That Talk and I for one cannot wait to see what else she comes up with to add to this new sound.
Check it out for yourself:

Until next time,
Much love,